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OCI compliant Product Catalog

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The Supplier Catalog provides online product catalog capability for vendors and allows their buyers who run SAP Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) to integrate this catalog into their application.


It creates a public web storefront and allows the buyer to register its URL in the SAP SRM system. The storefront provides standard shopping-cart functionality with the differece being that at checkout instead of asking the end user to provide payment information it sends the contents of the shopping cart to the receiving SAP SRM system. From there on a purchase order can be sent out by the buyer -usually governed by agreed upon terms, the fulfillment is performed by the vendor and the payments are handled. All this happens outside of the Supplier Catalog application.

Catalog features

The OCI specification expects the catalog to provide a URL where OCI request will be handled and appropriate answer pages will be returned. This entry point is provided by the Supplier Catalog’s OCI_Entry page. Salesforce Sites is utilized to provide the public storefront.

The Supplier Catalog does not provide standalone web-shop capabilities at the moment. Its capabilities are targeted for the specific purpose of integration with one (or multiple) SAP SRM systems. This is similar to Google Product Search which focuses on solving one task good and relies on the merchants to upload their list of products.